Thursday, March 28, 2013

Assignment #8

1. What does it mean to check the “stack with original” box in LR Preferences: External editing? Why is this helpful?
What it means in the external editing is that the copy which is an edited image of your original will be located or place next to the image you started off with. It is helpful because then in Lightroom it will be easier to find the image.  

2. How can scanners create compelling photographs “that require neither film nor camera”?
 Scanners could give people awesome photos that require neither film nor camera because the images the scanner produces are sharp and clear.

3. In what way is the role Gregory Crewdson plays in creating his photographs different than what we typically assume of a photographer?
Gregory Crewdson is different than what we typically assume of what a photographer should be like because most of us just think photographers shoot pictures of what is typically in front of us.  Like for example nothing out of the ordinary like Times Square or NYC skyline. But, Crewdson actually gets a group of people to help him through different aspects of the image so he could manipulate it the way he wants to.

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