Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Assignment 6

1. What are ICC profiles and how do you use them when printing? 

ICC Profiles are color profiles that you could choose so that you could get the best printing job depending on the type of paper and also printer u are using.  You are able to use it by going to the web site of the one who makes the paper(manufacturer) you are utilizing and then looking for and finding the ICC color profiles.  then you could and will be able to download to install as one of your printer's color profiles. 

2. What is monitor calibration? Why is it important? 

Monitor calibration is done to calibrate the monitor in order for it to show you the true colors you are going to print out rather than ones that appear on your screen but give you a different result when you print it.  . It is important because as i said before it could show you what you really are going to print out rather than what you think you are going to printout. 

3. Adams writes that landscape pictures function on 3 levels- geography, autobiography, metaphor. Describe what he means by each. 

For geography, he just means that the picture is some evidence of the place at the exact time the picture was taken.
For autobiography, he says that this is when the one photographing is putting his/her input. Also that it is what the photographer, although the place is already there, puts his experience through the image.
For metaphor, Adam means that the one seeing the picture is the one deciding how to look at the picture.For example if they want to see it another way rather than the way the photographer photographed it, they could or they could see it through the eyes and experience of the photographer.

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