Monday, February 4, 2013

Week 2

-Reading Quiz
1. On pages 1-3 Szarkowski describes many ways that photography offered a new kind of picture making process with a very different group of practitioners. Describe one of the ways that photography was a very different art form.

On page 2 it says that photography had become easier.  It says photographs were like never before.  that the new pictures were something to remember  which meant that they would survive to multiple and get even better. 

2. What does John Szarkowski mean by the characteristic “The Thing Itself”?
 Szarkowski means that the picture itself should be given more credit than to the naked eye itself because that is what we are capturing and remembering for a while, not what your eye sees.

3. Szarkowski writes that the time that photographs describe is always the present. What does he mean?
 Well, what he means is that a picture will only tell a story that happens right at that instance.  For example, if it was taken on July 21st 2008 then it will only describe that day in present not the next or the day before that day.  


1. What is the maximum image size your camera is capable of shooting in terms of pixel width and height?


2. What options do you have for controlling exposure with your camera? 

aperture, ISO, shutter, white balance, 
3. Describe some hypothetical situations in which you would want to use different exposure modes/settings.  

 One situation would be when i want to shoot pictures at night, if i want to shoot at night i have to change the iso to higher and if the aperture is at f/22, the shutter has to be the opposite which would be at 1/50 of a second..  Another situation will be when you want to shoot water you could shoot soft moving water or water in action which looks different. 

4. What ASA/ISO range is your camera capable of? Why would you choose one over the other?
  its capable of 3200 and you would choose one over the other in lighting situations for example if its too bright you put it its lowest and if its dark on its highest.

5. What is white balance and what options do you have for adjusting it on your camera?
white balance is for us to get the best accurate colors in our images.  my camera since its a canon t3i has really good options to play around with it.  
6. What is the histogram and how do you use it? 

 Histogram lets us know in a graph all of the brightness levels from the brightest to the darkest.  

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