Thursday, April 25, 2013

Assignment #!2

1. How would you describe the look of Bryan Graf’s images? 
I think his images have a lot of texture and details to them.Also, they have his own touch to them.
2. How does he draw inspiration from the landscape.
He draws inspiration from the landscape by taking or shooting landscapes in black and white and also in "Raw color".  Then during the printing process, he layers random color shots over the black and white shots making them look different than just a landscape shot.  

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Quiz 12

1. How do you change the order of the images in your slideshow?
You could change the order of the images in your slideshow by simply clicking and dragging 

2. What is Ryan McGinley inspired by? 
He is inspired by his siblings and his friends. Also by David Bowie.

3. Why is he drawn to his subject matter?
He is drawn to his subject matter because unlike other times, he wants to capture emotions rather than just some beautiful landscapes.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Assignment #12



Monday, April 15, 2013

Assignment #11

1. What is a watermark and why would you use one?
A watermark is a label that you use to secure your own photograph usually it is your name. You would use a watermark to limit someone from taking your image and if a person wants to use it they have to ask you to use it.

2. Why would you use the Publish Services panel in LR?
You would use the publish services panel in Lightroom to upload to other social networking services such as Facebook much easier.

3. How are Loretta Lux and Beate Gutschow using digital techniques to construct reality in their work? Answer for each artist.
Gutschow uses digital techniques to construct reality by taking a bunch of pictures of various locations.Then creates her one image by using all the pieces of the images she takes. Gutschow created the sky by using more than 30 different images.  Lux takes photographs she takes of children and edits them into backgrounds and creates a fantasy yet real image.


Monday, April 8, 2013

Assignment #10

1.  That they function on 3 levels; autobiography, geography and metaphor.  For autobiography he means that for the photographer this is where he/she put their view and this is how the photographer wants to view the place or whatever he is shooting meaning that this is where their experience shows of that place.  For geography he means this is where the place is at that is being recorded.  It is just a record of a certain place that already exists.  for metaphor he means this is where the viewer chooses what they want to view the picture as.  Their own interpretation of the picture that is already taken.

2.  It is important because they would not cause fires.  It could "umbrella" the lights meaning the light could be stopped from giving too much light or it could reflect the light so it bounces off it back to the subject.  This let's the photographer have more control of the lighting situations.

3.  It is so you get the lighting that you as the photographer wants.  Not diffusing the lights or flash could become a problem as it could over expose your pictures or simply not give you want you wanted.

Before and After


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Assignment #9

1. How can you create a collaged look of overlapping images using LR? 
Yoou create a collection with the pictures you want in the collage then You go to the Print tab then you set up your page how you want to, with or without a border.  Then you make sure no image is selected at the bottom, after you just pick the pictures from the bottom and drag them in the page how you want to.  To overlap you just change the size in them and could overlap it by playing around with the image's sizes.2. How can you change which images are in front or behind?
You right click and put "sent to back" or "send to front"
3. How does memory figure in Pedro Meyer’s process?
He has a poor memory and this is why he is into photography.  He uses his photography shooting as some type of way to remember things better.
4. How does he view his work in relation to straight photography?
He thinks the pictures could show and see more than we see in real life.  As a camera could capture more than we could.
