Monday, January 28, 2013

Week 1

Answer the following questions about this week’s reading and post the responses to your blog:
1. Describe one way in which “Every image embodies a way of seeing”. (John Berger reading)
   One way that every image embodies a way of seeing is through a photo.  For example the photographer chooses one location out of infinity and that describes the way of seeing that is reflected in the choice of subject. 
2. What kind of camera does Wendy Richmond use for her Public Privacy project? 
  Wendy Richmond uses her camera phone for her Public Privacy Project.

3. Why does she choose to use that type of camera? How does it relate to her project?
    She uses that type of camera because she says that when she is actually recording, she seems like an average person texting or doing other things on her phone rather than taking little videos of other people's everyday lives.  It relates to her project because she is using a 21st century gadget to record 21st century "city dwellers".