Wednesday, May 15, 2013

100 Words

       I see the world as a picture.  Every time I look around and see a scenery or spot that looks beautiful within my eyes, I want to photograph it.  Photos are more than just pictures to me; they usually bring different types of emotions depending on what the photograph is about.  Sometimes they bring me joy, sadness, excitement or even tiredness.  But what is the greatest part of a picture to me is that they are all memories that could be relived by just looking at it.  My photographs convey stories that transmit different types of emotions or feelings.  Depending on the audience, emotions could vary as not everybody is with me when the photographs are taken.

12 Last Images

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Presentation: Berenice Abbott Photographs

I chose the book of Berenice Abbott: Photographs.  This book was published by the Smithsonian Press in Washington D.C. in 1990.   I found this book in the TR section, on the lower level of the library.  Before i chose this book nothing seemed to grab my attention as much as this book did.  What pulled me and grabbed my attention to this book was the cover of it.  There was a picture of what seemed to look like NYC to me.  I like taking pictures of the buildings of NYC so I thought "well, maybe this it the book I was looking for".  I opened it and there was this picture that caught my attention first.  The name of the photograph is Edna St. Vincent Milley, poet.  This picture I was not expecting to see in the book since I thought it was only about pictures of architectures of buildings and such.  This picture caught my attention because I, myself, like doing photo shoots with black backgrounds.  I think that black backdrops give pictures a sort of drama and more detail to the subject.  I say this because the light source hits and illuminates only the subject which only focuses on the person and nothing else.  I have shot pictures like these myself and I think they look pretty nice.  The second picture and third on the slideshow I do not know the name of but are portraits as well.  As i explained before, this relates and inspires me because i shoot portraits with staged photography and people get to express themselves sometimes in the shoot as well as a photographer makes the subject model for them.  The fourth picture in the slideshow is of a bridge.  I have shot pictures similar to the ones she has of the bridge but more specifically like this one that is on the slideshow.  The 5th picture is also like a similar picture i shot and showed for critique in class.  In this picture, the photographer is looking up on this building.  We could all relate to this picture because when we stand in front of the bottom of the building, we feel like such small people compared to these huge architectures.  Pictures like these inspire me to shoot more like this as it is how we view the world as and it shows in this picture in particular.  The last three pictures i just thought were nice.  They look very well framed. I really like picture #7, where you could see shadows on the architecture because it makes you appreciate things that we see every day of our lives.  Picture #8 I chose because i have shot something like this as well but under a bridge.  I love images that look like this and have some structure and different beauty to it.  Photography overall makes me see the world as a picture with a thousand words.  Although her pictures are black and white, they are strong and appealing to the naked eye.  Overall, what inspired me from this photographer was that even though she has a variety of what she shoots, her pictures still seem professional and nice for someone that doesn't focus only on shooting a certain subject.  I also like shooting different ways and things which makes me want to become a good photographer like she was.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Assignment #!2

1. How would you describe the look of Bryan Graf’s images? 
I think his images have a lot of texture and details to them.Also, they have his own touch to them.
2. How does he draw inspiration from the landscape.
He draws inspiration from the landscape by taking or shooting landscapes in black and white and also in "Raw color".  Then during the printing process, he layers random color shots over the black and white shots making them look different than just a landscape shot.  

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Quiz 12

1. How do you change the order of the images in your slideshow?
You could change the order of the images in your slideshow by simply clicking and dragging 

2. What is Ryan McGinley inspired by? 
He is inspired by his siblings and his friends. Also by David Bowie.

3. Why is he drawn to his subject matter?
He is drawn to his subject matter because unlike other times, he wants to capture emotions rather than just some beautiful landscapes.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Assignment #12

